Initiative against fake news


Fake news and alternative facts are currently everywhere. And they are posing a threat symptomatic for a divided society. In this globalized world those left behind are increasingly blaming those "up there" for taking it all. And become susceptible for populist answers. They offer seemingly simple solutions to complex problems. That those "answers" are bound to fail is being neglected and covered up - by fake news and alternative facts.

The drahtwarenhandlung has decided to face this issue by launching the initiative "ForgetFake". The idea is to use science in order to debunk disinformation and fake news. The core of the initiative will be popular science talks and elements of gamification. To better convey the message, the audience will have the opportunity to immerse into the subjects through experiments and experience.

Project partners within the initiative are COCOS, derStandard and dwh Simulation Services as of now. But the initiative is an open one and further partners are welcome to join the network.

The initiatives (german) webseite is to be found at