Newton: Start Ups

Start Ups are associated with progress. Not only do they invent and implement great new things. They are also a turbo boost for the economy. At least this is what politicians are preaching. They should be the ones to accoplish all those things that politics and major enterprises fail to acomplish.

Austria shall become Silicon Valley, innovative inventions are being carried to patent offices in bulk, employment is rising and with it the state's tax revenues. Will Start Ups transform our society into Utopia? Can a bunch of young, bright minds live up to these expectations? Or do they simply get into debt and wear out trying? It is true, many of the country's most innovative products stem from small enterprises. There are programs targeted at helping clever people transfering their ideas and know-how from universities into the business world, to transform ideas into money. But who are those people and what is their motivation? We present innovative, successfull, failed and just founded Start Ups.

On set at crystalsol
On set at crystalsol





On Air

14.01.2017 18:40, ORF 1

