2nd Screen App Concept

In the last few years, media consumption has changed based on the significantly higher usage of mobile devices. Traditionally, media content was consumed with one device. Nowadays, the parallel usage of several mobile devices can be observed. One possible scenario supporting the parallel use of multiple devices is a second screen (2nd screen) setting where tablet, mobile phone or laptop are used while watching television. Studies show the rapid increase of such settings, but the knowledge about corresponding applications is still moderately available.

TV broadcasts (e.g. documentaries or magazine broadcasts) are generally based on a detailed search which generates a variety of data. Due to the restricted broadcasting time this data cannot be integrated into the program. In cooperation with Landsiedl Popper OG we attempt to collect experiences in the design of 2nd screen applications with the integration of data visualizations for a broad target group of casual users.

The developed design concept can be used for the parliament journal called “Hohes Haus” which is broadcasted every Sunday on ORF2. The data basis for the application is the stenographic parliament discourses of the Austrian National Council. This data set is processed by using data visualization techniques. The focus lies on a location and context-oriented visualization based on a map. The topics of the meetings in terms of the location are visualized on a map, giving deeper insight into the parliament discourses. A location, a specific topic, or a combination of location and topic taken out of the journal „Hohes Haus" can be used as starting point to the 2nd screen application.

The project was funded by the Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH as a Kreativwirtschaftsscheck.

Concept for app on wearable device
Concept for app on wearable device

