Wahlfahrt Europa

Prior to the election for the European Parliament in 2014 the ORF aired six episodes of a production in which moderator Hanno Settele interviewd politicians from accross Europe. The production was flanked by a DDJ-website which was to interactively portrait the EU. The website was created from scratch by the drahtwarenhandlung: starting with data research, data analysis, storytelling and development of the data visualizations - and webdevelopment.

What came out was a data-driven view into the heart and soul of the EU. But it was not only the the big topics, such as the European Parliament, agriculture (subsidies), energy security and unemployment. Next to them there was space for interesting details, such as country comparisons of obesity, consumed pruduce or mortality.

Fettleibigkeit in den EU Mitgliedsstaaten
Fettleibigkeit in den EU Mitgliedsstaaten
Entwicklung der Agrarsubventionen
Entwicklung der Agrarsubventionen
Das EU-Parlament...
Das EU-Parlament...
Arbeitslosigkeit nach Land, Geschlecht und Alter
Arbeitslosigkeit nach Land, Geschlecht und Alter